Kicking It Old School

[Driving to karate with the boys. Trying to find a radio station they like.] Mom: How about this one? Caleb (12): Well…not really. Mom: What about this one? Caleb: No. [pause] Caleb: Mom, really I only like songs from...

Mormon Hacks: Preschool Edition

Thanks to Common Core and other cultural problems—you know, like legal mandates that allow boys to use the girls' dressing room if they feel strongly enough about it—we've had a massive onslaught of new homeschoolers coming down the pike. As with most experienced...

Tolerance Is Not a Virtue

Cliff Notes version of this post: Tolerance (inclusion, acceptance, etc.) is not inherently virtuous. It is only virtuous to the extent that the thing being tolerated (included, accepted, etc.) is virtuous or to the extent that tolerating (including, accepting, etc.)...