by Alison Moore Smith | Jul 8, 2016 | for Fun, Yea Big
[Sam walks into my office late Friday afternoon.] Sam: Hey, honey, do you want to go on a date? Samson (16): Is is that easy?
by Alison Moore Smith | Jun 16, 2016 | for Fun, Yea Big
Talking to his 15-year-old brother, Samson. Caleb (12): It's called skills, bro. Mom: “It's called skills, bro”? Caleb: That's what you say when you totally own someone.
by Alison Moore Smith | May 26, 2016 | for Fun, Yea Big
[Driving to karate with the boys. Trying to find a radio station they like.] Mom: How about this one? Caleb (12): Well…not really. Mom: What about this one? Caleb: No. [pause] Caleb: Mom, really I only like songs from...
by Alison Moore Smith | Mar 31, 2016 | for Fun, Yea Big
Mom: Samson, what was your favorite part about Saturday's Warrior? [pause] Samson: (15): Monica. Mom: What was your second favorite part? [pause] Samson: Her husband. Mom: Whaaaaa?
by Alison Moore Smith | Mar 20, 2016 | for Fun, Yea Big
Caleb (12): Mom, just so you know, I'm going into my teenage years. So it's not my fault if I'm sassy. It's just biology.
by Alison Moore Smith | Jan 25, 2016 | for Spirit
The Provo Tabernacle was a staple of my youth. When I was a child (pre-stake-center days) our stake conferences were there. My parents took us to see the Utah Valley Symphony a gazillion times in that venue. (The first, second, and third chair had each been my...
by Alison Moore Smith | Jan 17, 2016 | for Mind, Mormon Hacks
Thanks to Common Core and other cultural problems—you know, like legal mandates that allow boys to use the girls' dressing room if they feel strongly enough about it—we've had a massive onslaught of new homeschoolers coming down the pike. As with most experienced...
by Alison Moore Smith | Jan 3, 2016 | for Good, for Spirit, Simple Family Home Evening Ideas
The world is full of idols, athletes, entertainers, people famous for no reason at all, and people famous for all the wrong reasons. It's easy for our kids to get lost in the glamour and glitz and to idolize people whose examples are not worthy of being emulated. Some...
by Alison Moore Smith | Jan 1, 2016 | for Fun, Lifestyle Design, Mormon Hacks
Happy New Year! And Happy 13th birthday to Mormon Momma! If you're looking for some motivation, a nudge, a push, a shove, or just a little incentive to start 2016 off with a bang, here are some great resources for your consideration. 26 Ways To Take Your Life Back...
by Alison Moore Smith | Dec 27, 2015 | for Mind, for Spirit
Cliff Notes version of this post: Tolerance (inclusion, acceptance, etc.) is not inherently virtuous. It is only virtuous to the extent that the thing being tolerated (included, accepted, etc.) is virtuous or to the extent that tolerating (including, accepting, etc.)...