Over the years (often as a result of my overt distaste for Saxon math) I have been asked again and again to share the homeschooling materials/methods we use to teach math. Multiple times just this week I've been asked for a list of my favorite math curriculum. So here they are.

First, I highly recommend reading About Teaching Mathematics by Marilyn Burns. It's foundational understanding that will help most any homeschooling (or not!) parent.

Please note, I'm not claiming these are the end all be all of math. They are just resources that:

  • Align with my math philosophy
  • Work
  • Are affordable

Please feel free to share your favorites in the comments! The more ideas and input, the better!


Refrain from formal. Math is all around in the real world. Just notice it, point it out, name it. Make it fun!

  • Count everything: shoes, forks, bananas, stairs, blocks
  • Play with stuff
  • Do hands on activities
  • Use blocks
  • Divide things up (especially cookies—here is no 3-year old on earth who doesn't notice when they don't get a fair fraction!)
  • Measure things in steps, in hands, in dolls, in legos
  • Compare things: bigger vs. smaller; heavier vs. lighter; taller vs. shorter

Grades 1–3

Grades 4–8

Grades 7–8

Grades 9–12