by Alison Moore Smith | Jan 1, 2016 | for Fun, Lifestyle Design, Mormon Hacks
Happy New Year! And Happy 13th birthday to Mormon Momma! If you're looking for some motivation, a nudge, a push, a shove, or just a little incentive to start 2016 off with a bang, here are some great resources for your consideration. 26 Ways To Take Your Life Back...
by Alison Moore Smith | Apr 11, 2015 | Hacks, Lifestyle Design
As a blogger and homeschooling mom of six, managing my time is paramount. As someone who loves organizing and planning—unfortunately sometimes more than actually doing the things I've organized and planned—I know the value of creating a schedule that will motivate...
by Alison Moore Smith | Dec 29, 2014 | Lifestyle Design
Goal setting is a dangerous proposition. Productivity is of great interest to me and, truthfully, I accomplish quite a bit each year, but I often suffer from the distraction of the urgent/interesting/fun over those things that could/would provide lasting life benefits...
by Alison Moore Smith | Oct 2, 2014 | Lifestyle Design
For years I've been teaching organization seminars at conferences and conventions. One of the things I'm often asked is how I can do all the things I do. The question derives, I think, from two things: I choose not to do lots of things most people do I choose to keep...
by Alison Moore Smith | Mar 31, 2014 | Amazing Life Hacks, Lifestyle Design
In one day it will be April and I'm sure your New Year's resolutions are at least one fourth completed! You're on your way to the best year ever! Woo hoo! Wait. What? You what? You started strong and dropped out on January 6? You intended to start, but never got out...
by Alison Moore Smith | Apr 10, 2013 | 100 Day Challenge, Lifestyle Design
Today marks the final day of the 100 Day Challenge. It also marks the completion of one of my own goals, to blog about each day of the challenge in 100 consecutive days. If you've made it this far with me, I congratulate you! It's been a long haul for both of us! How...