by Alison Moore Smith | Nov 28, 2014 | for Fun, Yea Big
Caleb (11): Mom, you know how people sleep for 12 hours and how people are ill? Mom: Yes. Caleb: Well when they first wake up their illness isn't fully awake, so after they wake up their illness wakes up and then they remember that they are still sick. That's what...
by Alison Moore Smith | Oct 15, 2014 | for Fun, Yea Big
Mom: Caleb, do you remember what you're supposed to do as soon as you get there? Caleb (10): Sigh Mom: Did you just say, “sigh”? Caleb: Yes. Mom: So, you didn't actually sigh, you said the word ‘sigh'? Caleb: Yes. Mom: Why? Caleb: Because if I just...
by Alison Moore Smith | Dec 6, 2013 | for Fun, Yea Big
Boca Homeschool Choir (singing): Pinecones and holly berries. Popcorn for you. Apples for me… Belinda (9): Who would pick apples over popcorn? Why do they get the popcorn?
by Alison Moore Smith | Nov 17, 2013 | Yea Big
[Both home sick from church — along with two other kids.] Mom: Augh! You're coughing on me! Monica (16): Sharing is caring!
by Alison Moore Smith | Nov 1, 2013 | Yea Big
My friend, Lori Willard, had a noteworthy experience this week. While riding in the car, her son was looking through the pictures from her recent romantic getaway to Hawaii when “the incident” began. Jacob (6): Mom, you look fat in this picture.”...
by Alison Moore Smith | Sep 13, 2013 | for Fun, Yea Big
Caleb (9): Mom, do you know what my least favorite food is? Mom: What? Caleb: Rotted flesh.