by Alison Moore Smith | Mar 20, 2016 | for Fun, Yea Big
Caleb (12): Mom, just so you know, I'm going into my teenage years. So it's not my fault if I'm sassy. It's just biology.
by Alison Moore Smith | Nov 12, 2015 | for Fun, Yea Big
[Upon hearing repeated snorting behind me.] Mom: Caleb, here's some tissue. You need to blow your nose. Caleb (12): Samson needs to blow his nose, too. Mom: You worry about your own nose. Samson can worry about his. Caleb: I need...
by Alison Moore Smith | Sep 4, 2015 | Yea Big
[While looking at this piece of internet hilarity, we saw the last photo…] Monica (18): Wait, I thought the lyric said “Don't go, Jason Waterfalls!” I thought it was some guy's name. What? It makes sense…
by Alison Moore Smith | Aug 20, 2015 | for Fun, Yea Big
Caleb (11): Mom, if you have a cut and it's close to Halloween, don't clean it up. Save it and you can use it for a Halloween decoration.
by Guest Author | Apr 20, 2015 | Yea Big
by Sara Burlingame The clerk at Kohl's just cheerfully asked me if I was pregnant. Rather than honk his impertinent nose I just said “no” very carefully and slowly. My “no” had five syllables. So he followed up with, “Oh, did you just...
by Alison Moore Smith | Jan 14, 2015 | for Fun, Yea Big
Caleb (11): Mom, there are two things I'm really good at: Hiding things in cunning ways so they will never be found. Moving quickly and silently; I'm so quiet it's like I have a mute button.