Spring 2020 General Conference Open Thread

Saturday Morning Session Russel M. Nelson Please note that he was surprised about the world events that mark this conference session. He isn't claiming that his, “Eat your vitamin pills. Get some rest. It's going to be exciting.” was a prophecy of COVID-19...

Autumn 2019 General Conference Open Thread

Given that this is the first post since last conference—and my general ambivalence about blogging anywhere the past few years—I realize no one may even see this. But, just in case, here is the usual thread. I will be live-blogging Sunday notes, but not Saturday....

Spring 2019 General Conference Open Thread

The rumors are swirling again! What have you heard? What will actually happen? Only time will tell. Please comment with your thoughts and insights! I'll be updating as I'm able. Saturday Morning Session RIGHT into the talks. No announcements…so far. 😭 Not a...


Undoubtedly someone who reads this has had an abortion. If that is you, I love you and would be honored to help you. If you are in a crisis pregnancy, I would be honored to help you (and have worked with crisis pregnancy groups in the past). Still, as our country is...

October 2018 General Conference

Here is your open thread to talk about all things Saturday, October 6th, General Conference. Of course, perhaps the only thing is the two-hour block. Rumored for well over 20 years, this has finally, finally happened. I'm kind of overjoyed. Your thoughts? What did you...