by Alison Moore Smith | Apr 18, 2024 | for Love, for Spirit
The first iteration of this post began in early 2020. It was never completed because (at least in part) I couldn't figure out why this obvious contradiction needed to be spelled out. Still, the issue comes up again and again. So here is my explanation of the problem....
by Alison Moore Smith | Aug 8, 2020 | for Good, for Love, for Mind, for Spirit
One of my daughters, Monica Moore Smith, divorced after more than two years in an abusive marriage. She had done “all the right things.” She had committed to living a moral life at a very young age and never wavered. She actively strengthened her...
by Alison Moore Smith | Feb 9, 2019 | for Good, for Home, for Love, for Spirit
Undoubtedly someone who reads this has had an abortion. If that is you, I love you and would be honored to help you. If you are in a crisis pregnancy, I would be honored to help you (and have worked with crisis pregnancy groups in the past). Still, as our country is...
by Alison Moore Smith | Sep 25, 2015 | for Love
Love does not mean sacrificing any and all personal desires to fill the desires of someone else. It does not mean allowing people to mistreat you in the name of loyalty or peace or tolerance. It does not mean “never having to say you're sorry.” It does...
by Alison Moore Smith | Jul 30, 2015 | for Love, for Spirit
Today I intended to write about the vile and disgusting Planned Parenthood and all the companies that support them (and, thus, with whom I will no longer do business, such as Wells Fargo and Liberty Mutual (BYU Alumni Association, heads up!), et. al.), but that it...
by Alison Moore Smith | Mar 28, 2015 | for Love
I've written about Robes before. He comes up in blogging and social media and conversation regularly. My kids who were too young or unborn during the Boca Raton days know his story. Or at least how his story intersects with ours. All my close Utah friends know him by...