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Undoubtedly someone who reads this has had an abortion. If that is you, I love you and would be honored to help you.

If you are in a crisis pregnancy, I would be honored to help you (and have worked with crisis pregnancy groups in the past).

Still, as our country is dealing with an issue that is so impactful, the discussion must be straight forward.

With the latest political developments, I'm so absolutely appalled at the horrific turn our country has taken that I'm breathless. I'm shocked. I'm angry.

A child is a human life. It is of infinite worth.

If a woman's life is actually in danger, there's an actual equal value proposition. It is a more heartbreaking situation than most we encounter. I also understand that women bear the far greater burden of pregnancy—and that is a complex part of the legality—but I don't believe it's a morally complex issue.

This subject came up today in a group I'm in and my thoughts were too long and unwieldy to post there. So, in a completely non-academic stream, here are the points that have formed over decades of thinking about this issue, watching our culture devolve, and being amongst those who long predicted the obvious end game of all of this.

My Body; My Choice

It's not your body anyone is talking about. It's the body of a distinct and innocent human being.

Baby's body; baby's choice.

Life Begins at Conception

That life begins at conception is an issue of science, not religion.

The conclusion that human life begins at sperm-egg fusion is uncontested, objective, based on the universally accepted scientific method of distinguishing different cell types from each other and on ample scientific evidence (thousands of independent, peer-reviewed publications).

Maureen Condic, Ph.D.

Quickening is Outdated

There is no doctrine on when the spirit enters the body. The idea that “We don't know when the embryo/fetus becomes a ‘real baby,' so it's OK to kill it.” is a morally vacant position.

It's human. We don't kill innocent humans.

Not Better Off Dead

I am the product of an unwanted pregnancy. I would not prefer to be dead. Even though life is hard and even though my birth mother didn't want me.

Euphemisms and Semantic Gaming

The pretty, purified euphemisms used around abortion are utterly disingenuous. This isn't about “choice”or “women's rights” or “reproductive health.” It's about the “choice to poison/dismember a living human” or a “woman's legal right to end the life of her living baby” or “reproductive death.”

Adopt Them All

Pro-aborts love to put the entire responsibility of the world-wide child care system on those who oppose actively ending the lives of innocent babies. And if pro-life advocates don't personally adopt and support every child in foster care, they don't care enough to have a voice.

Let's be consistent, shall we?

Do you oppose drunk driving? If so, you must personally arrange for outreach and transportation services for every inebriated soul in every bar on every corner in every state. If not, you don't care enough.

Do you oppose sex trafficking? Do you think it should be illegal? If so, you must:

  • Personally participate in child rescue sting operations
  • Personally adopt all the rescued children and support them until (at least) adulthood
  • Personally ensure that every person who might, one day, want to buy a sex slave gets adequate education and training about how not to buy a sex slave; offer followup therapy for the induced trauma

    Informed Consent

    If you support the legality of abortion, you should, at very least, be well informed on the actual medical process.

    The baby is burned, dismembered, has their skull impaled, etc. It's a horrific process for both the mother and the baby.

    But the baby dies.

    Legal Not Moral

    Claiming to support abortion legally but not morally is untenable. All laws legislate morality. Every single one. And if we are allowed to legislate morality (and we are), we are certainly allowed (and expected) to legislate morality around the single most significant issue: life vs death.

    Do you “support wife-beating legally but not morally”? Do you “support men leaving their wives and children and refusing to support them legally but not morally”?

    When it comes to an actual human being brutally killed, you cannot be suddenly passive about legislating morality.

    Saving Children From Possible Hardship

    Aborting a child because they might have pain or might have a hard life or might feel bad because they were “unloved” would be laughable—if it were not lethal.

    You are saying, that baby is better off dead than to risk possible future pain.

    This pretense of compassion is unconscionable. All of us are going to suffer. 100% certainty. Should someone else be allowed to decide to end your life in order to avoid that risk, on your behalf?

    Remember, as of today, all of you are willing to deal with the risk of possible future suffering—or you wouldn't be reading this.

    Severely Defective

    Aborting a child because s/he has “severe defects that will not allow the baby to survive beyond birth,” is not compassion

    None of will survive indefinitely, yet we all have the right to die a natural death.

    Should someone else have the right to put upi to death prematurely, to avoid having to manage your natural death?

    Here are the choices:

    1. Live birth; palliative care; tenderness from people who love you; natural demise
    2. Scissors crammed into the base of your skull; brains sucked into sink; delivery of corpse

      Which would you chose for yourself? Why would you choose differently for an innocent baby?

      Mom's Indecision

      Whether or not a pregnant woman has difficulty making the decision to abort a child doesn't change the outcome to the child. And it does not change the morality of the decision.

      God Will Provide

      If you believe God will not allow anyone to be robbed of life due to the actions of others in abortion, as some have said, you still cannot believe God sanctions murder.

      To be clear, God allows both abortionists and parents the agency to harm their innocent children. And God doesn't provide for reincarnation to compensate for those who are murdered.

      Life Isn't Fair

      The fact that some people do not have “access” to birth control, doesn't change the moral value of a life.

      For the love of all that is holy, people, condoms cost about 50¢ a pop (and work remarkably well when used properly). How much “access” do you need?

      If that isn't sufficient, keep your pants on! If getting pregnant means you “must” kill your child, avoid pregnancy at all costs. Even if it means you don't get as much as you want.

      Rape is Horrific

      Having someone harm me, doesn't justify my harm of someone innocent in return. And abortion does not unrape someone. It perpetuates harm.

      May God have mercy on us.

        Alison Moore Smith is a 60-year-old entrepreneur, who graduated from BYU in 1987. She has been (very happily) married to Samuel M. Smith for 39 years. They are parents of six incredible children and grandparents to two astounding grandsons.