Today is a chilly, rainy, dreary day. But my heart is full of spring. Sam took off Friday — the last day of the local school spring break — so we could start getting the yard in order. Our to do list included:
- Assemble the composter for our new square foot garden
- Start composting process
- Â Move the dirt from the drive to the garden plot
- Put metal ring in brick fire pit
- Clear grass around maple trees and add gravel in tree ring
- Bury the sprinkler system box
- Clean the porch and deck furniture
- Mow the law for the first time this year
We checked an awful lot off our list, but there is still a lot of clean up and organizing to get the garden planted, the plants pruned, and the grass green and ready for summer fun. Whether you are a DIY landscaper or use a service like (like my dad did for decades in his old house), find what works for you to get your yard started out on the right foot.
Here are the remaining items on our backyard maintenance list:
- Order and install square foot garden
- Check sprinkler system
- Fix east side drainage
- Fertilize lawn
- Plant veggies
- Install fence (to keep out stupid deer)
- Replant fruit trees (killed by stupid deer)
- Clean up plants in beds
- Replace dead plants
- Install trellis on west side of patio
- Set up ping pong table on patio
- Buy long-awaited puppy and/or kitten (that will be contained by fence put up to keep out stupid deer)
- Install shaded awning on deck
- Get ready to BBQ and eat on the patio
We're looking forward to spending the cool summer nights enjoying our beautiful view and family friendly yard, playing games and enjoying friends.
What is on your list to get your yard up to snuff for the summer?
Our big (BIG) project this year is putting up a playground with a swing set and trampoline. My husband really wants a tennis court but that will have to wait for another day (and budget). 🙂