We spent the bulk of our Labor Day holiday, laboring over furniture choices. When we finally went home, we ended up with less cash in our wallets, but some great furniture bargains:
- 2 tan swivel gliders for the library
- 2 fabulous brown pillows for the library
- 1 leather cocktail ottoman with storage for the family room
- 1 10′ x 11′ brown carpet piece, to be bound for the family room
- 1 5′ x 8′ dark brown, indochine rug for our bedroom
- 1 subwoofer for the rec room
- 2 Wii remotes — because buying knockoffs isn't worth it (we learned the hard way)
- 1 Toshiba camcorder — because it was $20 with our purchase
- 1 backpack with school stuff — because it was almost free
Having spent nearly an entire year furnishing our new home — with a few items still to be selected — we know first hand how difficult it can be to find just the right pieces for your home. We also know how hard it can be to find pieces you love that fit together to make a cohesive room.
Understand, I'm not complaining. It's a luxurious “problem” to have. We've all had times when we only dreamed of having a home, let alone furnishing one. But not being a decorator (at all!), it can be frustrating trying to put together a look that fits your style (if, indeed you have one) and your budget.
Honestly, I'm not much on celebrity endorsements or celebrity lines of anything. I explicitly resist purchasing anything with a cartoon character, movie star, or sports icon. But ever once in a great while, I see a celebrity created something or other that actually works.
The RoomPlace Cindy Crawford furniture collection is one such product line. Sure, super models know something about clothing style. But does that translate into furniture style? In Crawford's case it does. At least as far as my style sensibilities go, I love most of her designs. And choosing a collection makes it easy to put a room together.
Furniture in my house has a few requirements
- Comfortable: I want my house to scream, “Come sit down and stay a while!”
- Durable: I have six kids, who each have a billion friends, enough said.
- Affordable: No explanation needed.
- Simple: Anything fussy or victorianesque  is just not coming in here. Period.
- Modernish: I love clean lines and up-to-date style, but if you start getting too reminiscent of the 70s (arguably the worst decade on record), I can't take it. Soft modern with a touch of retro — yes. Groovy — no.
On most counts, The RoomPlace Cindy Crawford furniture fits the bill. Some have a few too many curliques and the big old squishy sectionals aren't my style. But almost every piece would be great in my home. My favorite is the Metropolis sectional. The lines are clean and modern, without being harsh. I love the peat color, but the espresso is also gorgeous.
When your home is finally completed, be sure to fill out this home inventory checklist. Keep this record in a secure place and you'll be covered.
Finding just the right furniture pieces for your home takes time, but with care and planning, your home can become your dream home.
I have a new flat and I am thuking about changing all the furnutire, but I am still thinking about what I want. The choice of furniture is so big that I can’t set up my mind what I really want. Your post will help me for sure.
Wow, sounds like you put some work into refurnishing your home! I just redid my office, although I didn’t buy a lot of new furniture. Just needed some accessories, upgrades and new cheaper equipment. It looks so much better to just add stackable filing systems, a new mouse, laptop, chair & more.