by Alison Moore Smith | Apr 4, 2013 | 100 Day Challenge, Lifestyle Design
Too often goal setting programs have the wrong focus. They spend inordinate amounts of time selecting the perfect goal, forming its content with exactness, and writing it up in a flowery mission statement form. That's all fine and good, unless you forget that the...
by Alison Moore Smith | Apr 3, 2013 | 100 Day Challenge, Lifestyle Design
The Boy Who Cried Wolf is a classic tale we often use in teaching our children. The story is illustrative of how dishonesty can hurt the giver as much as the receiver. Breaking promises is just one form of dishonesty. Recognizing that fact can help us realign our...
by Alison Moore Smith | Apr 2, 2013 | 100 Day Challenge, Lifestyle Design
Your habits are the thread in the fabric of your life. They determine what you do and what you accomplish. In a nutshell, here is the obvious truth: Successful people have successful habits. And loser in life? Well, they have losers habits. Harsh? Perhaps. But true...
by Alison Moore Smith | Apr 1, 2013 | 100 Day Challenge, Lifestyle Design
If there is anything that can describe me, it's that I'm a creature of habit. I love plans and schedules (and planning and scheduling). I love forewarning and predictability. I want to anticipate upcoming circumstances and optimize the benefit with organization and...
by Alison Moore Smith | Mar 31, 2013 | 100 Day Challenge, Lifestyle Design
The “law of attraction” is bogus. There is no “law” at all and the only thing really being “attracted” is money out of your account and into the pockets of the shysters. (Here's one discussion about The Secret from an LDS...
by Alison Moore Smith | Mar 30, 2013 | 100 Day Challenge, Lifestyle Design
In the beginning of this lesson, Gary Ryan Blair states: No mountains can be climbed, no hearts can be won, no opportunities can be seized, no books can be written, no elections can be won, and no victories enjoyed without risk. I'd like to give a caveat to this...