by Molly Christensen | Feb 5, 2008 | for Mind, Homeschool
Recently I was looking through a second or third grade math text and was pretty amazed to find that it contained about four months worth of calculator lessons. Well, they called it something cooler than that but it was basically lessons on how to operate a...
by Molly Christensen | Jan 13, 2008 | for Mind
Years ago, my sister-in-law had a medical emergency. She was bleeding profusely, but she still had the presence of mind to tell her husband her blood type. She managed to say, “Be positive.” Her husband, worried as he was, replied, “I'm trying to be,...
by Molly Christensen | May 31, 2007 | for Body
I am not an early riser. Indeed, I love being a night owl. I've been able to rationalize to myself that if I stay up late, then I can a lot done even though I really am tired. No one will get up and interrupt me. By golly, if I were to get up early, someone would be...
by Molly Christensen | May 9, 2007 | for Mind, Homeschool
“I don't care what he eats as long as he is eating.” Have you ever heard a parent say this about their child? A parent who would feed their children a steady diet of candy, pop, and other junk foods? No conscientious parent would say that, since they care...
by Molly Christensen | Jan 31, 2007 | Homeschool
Ronnie L. from Houston wrote: I have three kids and they all hate math and science. I was never good at them and neither was my husband and the schools are not helping. We want them to go to college, but don't think they'll get in unless they get their grades up. How...