Are We Not All Teenagers?

Right now in my ward I get to work with the Young Women. I ?ve grown to love it, though I didn ?t at first. What I dreaded the most was all the drama. I think the hardest part of being a teen is figuring out who you are, and then how that relates to the people around...

On The Road

Next week the youth of our ward are leaving for Youth Conference! (Look out Nauvoo!) And I ?ve got a question. How much Diet Coke is acceptable for me (the Young Women president) to drink on the trip? I drink Diet Coke. Lots of it. For weeks now, I have intended to...

House Rules for Teen Cell Phone Use

Kids and cell phones at what age should they go together? Or should they at all? Look, I know there are hundreds of arguments to be made on whether or not children should have their own phones. I ?m not here to make an argument for either side. I just know that right...