Recently I was bashed by a reader who didn't like politics injected into a post.
I know the big social taboos are politics and religion. But in the course of discussing the truly significant, consequential things in our lives, how can we possibly remove those two areas that externally most impact our lives and choices?
My quality of life and my ability to succeed are helped or hindered by my value system and the government system imposed upon me. My religion and my government are inextricable intertwined with my success, my happiness, and my goals. To pretend I can simply extricate them is preposterous.
In my many years of coaching and consulting, I have found that in virtually every single case, whether conscious or unconscious, that the decision to achieve goals and become more successful all boils down to the desire for greater freedom.
Think about that for a minute. What are you looking for? Freedom from working nine to five at a job you hate? Freedom from dealing with an unhealthy body? Freedom from being unable to reason and defend your positions? Freedom from being alone?
The opportunity to continually expand personally freedom is what distinguishes high and low achievers.
This being true, it stands to reason that those who want the opportunity to dream big and reach their goals will tend toward greater freedom (unless their goals include things like wanted to rule the world, in which case they would be all for more personal freedom and subordination for everyone else) and those who want to be taken care of would tend toward less freedom (although them seem not to realize that with less freedom they are less secure in their security).
In this lesson, Gary Ryan Blair discusses the ten freedoms that form a foundation for life-long goal success. He discusses in depth why it's important for us to have the following freedoms:
- Ideals
- Time
- Energy
- Strategy
- Relationships
- Money
- Focus
- Value
- Success
- Future
What freedoms are you most interested in creating in your life?
Join me in the 100 Day Challenge!
I had never thought about it like that before. When I look at my goals, they do fit the freedom model.
I want freedom from ill health, freedom from financial worry and the ability to provide for my family with things that will enrich their lives, freedom from chaos and disorganization and freedom from losing things in the piles!
Those two subjects can become heated, but because they are so important, we should probably learn to control our tempers and speak civilly. I like that new surgeon who is speaking about conservatism. He’s smart and very calm.
When you talk about freedom along with ideals like success (in the list), you realize they have to be connected. America is great because we give people the freedom to succeed on their own merits, not the guarantee of success no matter what.
And for all the socialists out there, socialism doesn’t bring that kind of success, it bring mostly mediocrity.