Recently, time constraints had me going straight from work out to dinner with my husband and some friends. My fourteen-hour work day had me apologizing for how I looked. I joked that at least my fifty-year old eyes couldn't see the smudged eyeliner and flakes of mascara that I knew were scattered around my pea-green eyes like little dead soldiers. I also lamented over losing, yet another, tube of my favorite lipstick in the galley of my plane at work.

Our dinner companion, Sarah (not her name), told me I should have my makeup tattooed on, like she did, then I wouldn't have to worry about it. I looked up at her, sitting across the table from me, with her perfectly arched eyebrows of just the right intensity, her eyelashes tinted just the right complementing color, and her perfectly drawn mascara. Even her lips were perfect!

I stared at her dumbfounded. “You're not wearing any makeup? ” I asked, incredulously.

“She wakes up looking like that,” her husband replied.

The week after that, I gave a lot of thought to permanent cosmetics. I recalled that my 77 year old mother-in-law — a dyed in the wool, true-blue, Mormon, descendant of Brigham Young, stickler for the letter of the law — got her eyebrows tattooed-on about 5 years ago. She came from a generation that plucked their eyebrows, then drew them on. Only now she can't see well enough to draw them on straight. I thought how my own mother hasn't worn make-up for a decade and how I have assumed that she was just getting lazy about her appearance. Why I would think this since her house is still immaculate and she showers and wears clean, pressed, attractive clothes, I don't know.

Still- tattooing my lips? my eyelids? my eyebrows? It all sounded so radical. And I've just barely finished raising four children and expounding the evils of tattoos.

But…what are my alternatives? Invite someone over to put my makeup on straight every morning? That doesn't sound reasonable, especially mornings I get up for work in another city.

As I began to investigate this, the cost set me back a bit till I thought how much I spend on makeup in a year. The cost in my area for tattooed eyeliner is about $199. I buy a good eyeliner for about $20, which I then lose in a hotel room or on a plane, at least once every other month. 20 x 6= $120. That's just the eyeliner. The permanent make-up procedure is good for about 3 years, maybe more. So, It could actually SAVE me money. And the time saved? Plus, no smudge, even when I cry. I could do a whole lot more worry free crying!

I shared my thoughts with a fellow LDS woman and got back from her that I was rationalizing something I'd been told not to do. What do you think?

Sign me, Even if I were blind, I'd still want to look good.