Provident Shopping

Several years ago, my grandma asked me to drop her off for some shopping at DI (Deseret Industries), with instructions to pick her up in two hours. When I arrived to pick her up, I could see that she had a shopping cart full of all kinds of things: clothing, blankets,...

The Math of Foreclosure Bailouts

Foreclosure rates have been skyrocketing and are expected to continue to rise through the end of the year. This is a tragedy. While I have never lost a home myself, some close relatives have. Just a few weeks ago the folks who lived across the street from our lot were...

Construction Loan Landmines

Before we can dig the hole, we've got to secure a construction loan. No matter how good our credit is, no matter how big our down payment, no matter how secure our income, this step has always just been nerve-wracking to me. It keeps me up and night and gives me...