Feel free to leave your favorite quotes or add personal insights. I'll be in and out on Saturday, but live blogging Sunday.
Happy General Conference weekend!
Saturday Morning Session
Jeffery R. Holland
This is probably going to be one of the prerecorded talks, but I'm so excited to hear from him. This man's wisdom has changed my life for the good multiple times.
He is there in person! (Even if on a trap door with a delicate latch…)
Edges of eternity. Admonition to return to ministry with renewed strength.
Prayers are always heard and answered, according to the Lord's will and timetable.
I don't have a testimony of that, to be honest. I'm something of a deist…
J. Anette Dennis
[No, I do not think it's a “primary voice.”]
I wonder if she's going to address the response to her recent post? (No, she didn't. But she did give a good response earlier.)
I also notice that women have apparently followed the initial name trend. When did that happen?
Does Heavenly Mother also want a relationship with us? Give that she is the primary nurturer or her children?
Apparently this is the double down on garment wearing we heard about. I wish we could have a real discussion about this, particularly with regard to women's issues. (Yes, I wear mine every day.)
Alexander Dushku
We can receive light and knowledge from on high, but expecting the spectacular is unrealistic.
Many ways to feel the spriti.
Ulisses Soares
Does this man not have a middle name?!! (My dad had a middle initial only. NO PERIOD. His legal name was Hal G Moore. So, there you go.)
Temple – holiness to the Lord
One thing we can possess that would help them in trials, it is the confidence in covenants with Jesus Christ.
Home centered • church supported • temple bound
Jack N. Gerard
Upgrades to the new missionary manual – integrity
Our willingness and ability to live by our beliefs.
Be true to God.
Let your light so shine…
Anonymous posting critical of church doctrine and culture? How about non-anonymous posting?
We can never improve culture unless we are allowed (and encouraged!) to speak to how culture impacts us and others. We should also be able to discuss what actually constitutes true doctrine. Policy/practice are not equivalent to doctrine.
Lying is contrary to the nature of our Spirit.
Henry B. Eyring
Recorded. I did not realize he was also in ill health. 🙁
OK…yes, you are sealed. But does that actually mean that concern and, yes, fear, for your children is unwarranted? Yes, you can have peace about eternity. That doesn't remove the concern for real physical danger.
I guess I don't understand the point of implying that the situations are the same.
Covenants give access to a greater kind of love and mercy. I don't think I've heard this said in this way before. What does that mean specifically?
We will never exhaust God's patience with us as we keep covenants.
Pray for each other in family. Turn hearts to each other. This seems so needed today.
Saturday Afternoon Session
Dale G. Renland is conducting. I cannot remember when a member of the first presidency didn't conduct. Is Oaks sitting out?
David A. Bednar
Be still and know that I am God.
True faith is always focused in and on Jesus Christ. Son of God and provider of atonement.
Foundations, anchors to Christ
Homes should be sacred times and holy places – places to allow stillness
Massimo De Feo
Purpose of life is to increase faith to learn how to deal with life's trials.
Clear spiritual vision. Focus on Christ and remain true to what we know.
Take off the begger's coat
The gospel is the answer to everything, because Jesus is the answer for everyone.
Cry your testimony louder than the voices around us.
Brent H. Nielson
I'm a lawyer. Raised family in Twin Falls, Idaho.
74,000 missionaries
Gerrit W. Gong
Michael T. Nelson
Don't take over for the youth programs.
Quentin L. Cook
Saturday Evening Session
Shayne M. Bowen
Priesthood keys
Blessed by the POWER to HOLD the priesthood. Yes, again, that's a priesthood blessing women do NOT have “access” to.
Miracles continue, often the direct result of priesthood power.
Power and authority of God on the earth.
Steven R. Bangerter
Missions – priesthood responsibility
Youth reserved for this time (They have been saying this since I was a kid. Did they say it earlier?)
Spiritual creation before physical – how does this apply elsewhere? (Covey addresses this)
Protect the private times of your life. That's an interesting framing of how to use discretionary time. I like it.
Andrea Muñoz Spannaus
Another speech primarily directed to youth. Interesting.
David was small but with a giant faith. David needed only one stone, but came with five.
We can overcome the fallen world, because Christ overcame it first.
I am a daughter of God!
Repentance isn't punishment from sin; it's the way to be free from sin. Nothing is more freeing that feeling God's forgiveness.
Matthew L. Carpenter
Temple sealing – bonds
You will receive the blessings of the sealing, even if the spouse is not worthy and/or leaves the marriage.
The cancellation rhetoric is problematic. How does this impact those who never marry? Why the difference?
Sealed to an abusive person, you must not cancel the sealing because you will be eternal penalized? Why not considered as a single person???
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
I knew there was an aviation bit. Happy to hear it. Love this man.
Only Christ's joy is perpetual.
We rarely find something se do not seek. Are we looking for eternal joy?
Best way to find joy is to give joy to others.
Amazing Grace!!!
Sunday Morning Session
Ronald A. Rasband
Words matter a lot.
The word of God surpasses all other communication.
The words of prophets matter – in declaring the divinity of Jesus Christ.
I do not believe prophets (or anyone but Christ) can speak perfectly for our Heavenly Parents. I do believe that they cannot “lead us astray” with regard to testifying of Christ (atonement, resurrection, divinity, etc.). And that they cannot “lead astray” the church from its central mission of bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of man (oh, and women…you know).
I will “act upon” the prophet's words that the spirit guides me to follow. (“safe and effective”) Most prophetic counsel seems, to be honest, common sense and repeated regularly for decades.
- Thank you
- I am sorry
- I love you
Susan H. Porter
Eyring referred to her as PRESIDENT! Also, this is woman #3, which isn't super common.
She is the general Primary president. She is explicitly speaking to children. Yes, she can appropriately use the “primary voice” if she so chooses. When I was a kid, our ward implemented a short talk during every sacrament meeting that was for the Primary kids. We were invited to come to the front and sit on the floor around the pulpit. It was so exciting for me. Instead of two hours (back in the day) of adults droning on incomprehensibly, we got a special talk just for us—sometimes with visual aids! Yes, I approve of having talks that are geared to members that are not like me.
She's using a Primary song that will be familiar to many, circumstances many have felt, and children in her own life.
Heavenly Father will guide you to know what you can learn.
Don't give up praying for those you love.
Pray to:
- Know
- Grow
- Show
Dale G. Renland
Kayaking is hazardous.
Keep paddling, maintaining your momentum. We become vulnerable when we slow down or stop (or go back…). Keep paddling toward the Savior.
Endure to the end continuously. Don't do the first four steps, hunker down, grit our teeth, and wait to die.
Momentum involves both speed and direction.
Pray, read the scriptures, reflect on the goodness of God, repent,
Progressively and iteratively develop Christlike attitudes. Until we only want to do good continually.
Covenants are not the source of power. Christ is the source. Covenants are the conduit.
We don't need to ask unhelpful questions or state the obvious.
The Savior's job is to heal. Ours is to love.
Paul B. Pieper
Loving Heavenly PARENTS. If you speak of divine “genealogy,” please include our Mother!
He speaks of the “divine potential” of each of us. What is that? Is my divine potential to be like my Heavenly FATHER? Are we striving to return to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? only Or is Heavenly Mother there, somewhere, ANYWHERE?
“Every parent knows…”
Heavenly PARENTS allow us to make choices to reach divine potential.
Character, attributes, purposes, love. Can we also learn about these in our Mother?
I don't believe in God's micromanagement. We don't need to “trust” God to make sure everything works out, or that we are saved (in an earthly sense), or that every bad thing that happens is God-directed. That's not the faith the scriptures teach.
“God will be there to catch us” – or not.
Patrick Kearon
God is in relentless pursuit of you.
One of Christ's most consistent messages is that we must change to live on a higher plain of conduct. Mighty change of heart. Radical reorientation.
Infinite atonement covers you and those you love. You are not beyond reach.
Christ searches for all his sheep. Those afflicted in ANY manner, come to Him to be healed. He will not refuse you when you come with a broken heart and contrite spirit.
Does not put up barriers to keep you out. The plan is not about roadblocks.
To heal you, give you peace, bring you home.
This was so beautiful.
Focus on joy.
Thank you for keeping your covenants and blessing us all, even in the midst of your own trials. When you bring
Quoted Linda Reeves (my son-in-laws mission leader) and Camille Johnson.
Burdens swallowed up in the joy of Christ.
Dallin H. Oaks
How does your church differ from others?
Opposition to institutional authority. Give up freedoms to live in organized communities. (commitments; covenants)
Clothings serves to show a commitment to community and reminder of commitment. No magic in clothing or symbols.
Promises made to the fathers. (Mothers?)
Plan of salvation = covenant path
Here's the temple garment bit that was foreshadowed. YES it is visible.
Yes, I wear them. Yes, as instructed. But, for the love, it it way past time to address the many many many issues so many people (particularly WOMEN) deal with that are introduced by garments. Can we have some compassion for them and stop insisting that it's just part of the sacrifice of being a disciple? There are things we are commanded to sacrifice. This is not one of them.
Yes, we've improved them over the years. But so many people struggle with actual physical problems because of them. Another instance of where women deserve to have a real voice (not a passive submissive voice) in policies that impact them far more than men,.
We do not covenant in the temple to wear them. There is nothing doctrinal or eternal about garments. Can we please thoughtfully address this issue? God does not require a particular underwear to prove discipleship.
Sunday Afternoon Session
D. Todd Christofferson
Kingdoms of glory – tied to testimony of Christ
Testimony must be nourished daily. Let God prevail in your life.
Individual pursuit of personal holiness.
Blessed with a burning testimony of Christ.
Taylor G. Godoy
Devout prayer
- Consider the Lord the first option for help.
- Call, don't fall.
- After prayer, do all you can to make the prayer a reality.
- Humble yourself to accept the answer.
- Keep moving forward while you wait for an answer.
Gary E. Stevenson
Love the Lord; Love thy neighbor
Love of the Lord is not complete if we do not love our neighbors
Seek out those who are hurt and broken.
Love and accountability together, there is truth.
Mathias Held
Learn from the consequences of wrong choices.
Afflictions can help us know the greatness of God and can consecrate them for our good. (That seems the correct order.)
See both sides of difficulties, sorrows, afflictions.
Our attitudes define us better than our challenges.
Neil L. Andersen
Temple work
Turn the hearts of the children to the fathers. This seems so pertinent today, with all the family estrangement, that is perpetuated by the mental health industry, schools, government, some industries, etc.
Mark L. Pace
Come Follow Me
Avoid personal apostasy; responsible for individual spiritual growth
Personal experience with the love of God
Russell M. Nelson
Kirtland temple story
Spirit of Elijah – so needed today
The power of priesthood keys is infinite
- Gathering of Israel is evidence that God loves all his children
- Gospel of Abraham further evidence that God loves all his children
- Sealing power is evidence of how God wants all children to return
Nothing will help you more to hold fast to the iron rod than worshipping as often as possible in the templ
Nothing will protect you more.
Nothing will bolster your testimony more
Understand God's magnificant plan
soothe your spirit
open the heavens more
Gateway to the greatest blessings.
New temples
- Utoroa, French Polynesia
- Chihuahua, Mexico
- Florianoplis, Brazil
- Rosario, Argentina
- Edinburgh, Scotland
- Brisbane, Australia, South Area
- Victoria, British Columbia
- Yuma, Arizona
- Houston, Texas, South Area (my son is serving a mission in Texas Houston East!)
- Des Moines, Iowa
- Cincinnati, Ohio
- Honolulu, Hawaii
- West Jordan, Utah
- Lehi, Utah (my daughter lives here!)
- Maracaibo, Venezuela
Hello from California. I only heard/saw parts of Conference because I was visiting my niece and her husband in another state (and they are not LDS).
What are you referring to about women having problems with our undergarments? I am 72 and have been wearing various generations of them since my Endowment in 1993 (when women with non-member husbands were finally allowed). Some generations of them have been better than others, but I don’t recall having problems wearing them.
The biggest problems surround heat, pregnancy, periods, nursing, etc. Many women’s health issues such as yeast infections, etc. Others have written much more extensively about those specifics.
Alison Moore Smith recently posted…Internal Contradiction in The Family: A Proclamation to the World