by Alison Moore Smith | Apr 9, 2013 | 100 Day Challenge, Lifestyle Design
Recently I was bashed by a reader who didn't like politics injected into a post. I know the big social taboos are politics and religion. But in the course of discussing the truly significant, consequential things in our lives, how can we possibly remove those two...
by Alison Moore Smith | Apr 8, 2013 | 100 Day Challenge, Lifestyle Design
With only three days left in the challenge, it's appropriate that the subject is leaving a legacy. No matter what our beliefs in an afterlife, most people want something positive left behind when they die. Early on in the challenge, the topic was disciplining your...
by Alison Moore Smith | Apr 7, 2013 | 100 Day Challenge, Lifestyle Design
This lesson focuses on health and fitness. The blessing and joys of good health and fitness can be yours when you choose to make them priorities in your life. Good health means having the capacity to live life fully and to experience the best life has to offer....
by Alison Moore Smith | Apr 6, 2013 | 100 Day Challenge, Lifestyle Design
Often the reason we aren't making progress on our goals is due to bad technique. As Covey discusses, we're climbing hard and fast on a ladder that's leaning on the wrong wall. That means it's time for a fundamental change of strategy. The best strategies in life are...
by Alison Moore Smith | Apr 5, 2013 | 100 Day Challenge, Lifestyle Design
In 1986 — only a years into our marriage — Sam and I met  another young couple and soon became fast friends. We went to the same church, had all attended the same university, and were about the same age. We had many common interests including business startups,...
by Alison Moore Smith | Apr 4, 2013 | 100 Day Challenge, Lifestyle Design
Too often goal setting programs have the wrong focus. They spend inordinate amounts of time selecting the perfect goal, forming its content with exactness, and writing it up in a flowery mission statement form. That's all fine and good, unless you forget that the...