My entire life I have loved and anticipated General Conference. I'm not feeling it so much this year. I may or may not post anything. Or may do it retroactively. If you have any thoughts you'd like to share, you are welcome to comment.

Saturday Morning Session

Saturday Afternoon Session

Ronald A. Rasband

7 Things of My Soul

  1. Love God the father and Jesus Christ
  2. Love your neighbor
  3. Love yourself
  4. Be worthy of a temple recommend
  5. Be joyful and cheerful
  6. Follow the prophet

Missed one…

“Following the prophet you will never be lead astray.”

This is implying prophetic infallibility. Not doctrinal. It's also demonstrably false.

I don't understand why we (collectively) do that. I understand that maintaining authority and position holds organizational value (short term), but it undermines it long term.

“He will shield us from deceit, craftiness, and secular ways.”

Christ will shield us.

[Quotes to the best of my ability.]

Saturday Evening Session

Sunday Morning Session

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Without reliable markers, we can drift off course.

I'm a pilot. 🙂

Can anyone deviate off course? Individuals, societies, nations. We are all susceptible.

Recalibration. Learn to be instructed by the Lord. Follow the living Christ. Personal daily restoration.

Knowledge given by the Holy Spirit. Cannot rely on others' testimonies, must rely on our own heavenly light. Personal restoration.

A single day is like a whole life.

Do you want to change the shape of your life? Change the shape of your day.

Do you want to change the shape of your day? Change the shape of your hour.

Walk in the way of Jesus Christ.

Camille N. Johnson

Self reflection: what kind of personal narrative are you writing for you life?

Holy Ghost always testifies of truth.

Truth Truth Truth

Let God prevail.

What can we do with more faith in Jesus Christ.

I don't think Christ works much the way she suggests. I do not think the promptings about minutia are how God intends us to live. As I'm currently writing, I think God “prevailing” isn't about expecting God to tell us what to do at various minor or major turning points.

What does it mean?

Dale G. Renlund

Can we NOT talk about Covid? “Safe and effective” doesn't mean what you think it means.

Spiritual stress test for the church and its members.

Is the “tendency toward divisiveness” perpetuated by the leaders? Perhaps we can all learn this lesson?

How does the idea of authoritarianism fit into the “no contention” discussion? It's easy (and generally smart) to speak quietly and “kindly” when your words carry great weight and control. What is the solution when you do not have authority or position and your calm, kind words are utterly ignored and dismissed?

Our country and the religious freedom we (currently, mostly) enjoy came literally from war. Real war. How kind and nice is war?

We can rely on Jesus Christ, who is our peace.

Vaiangina Sikahema

OK, he will always be Vai to me. 🙂

My husband is yelling the few Tongan phrases he knows. (He served in Samoa.)

Sequential order. If you choose to live your life out of sequence, you create chaos.

Quentin L. Cook

Universal peace was not part of Christ's ministry historically or today. Personal peace is possible. Peace in price.

If I never hear “Covid-19 pandemic” again, it will be too soon.

God's truth and knowledge will bring peace.

Taking a jab or not is not an issue of righteousness.

Love and kindness are at the center of having peace and happiness in our home.

Russell M. Nelson

Temple renovation. Foundation. Withstand forces.

Extraordinary measures to strengthen our personal, spiritual foundations.

Latter days.

Each have a firm, spiritual foundation built around Christ.

How firm is your foundation? What reinforcements do you have in place?

The temple lies in at the center.

Everything taught in the temple increases our understanding of Christ. Essential ordinances.

This is an odd statement, given the changes just in my lifetime. Some of the things that were presented in the temple were inaccurate. I'm sure some things still are. Perhaps our best interpretation of our understanding?

If we are prepared, we shall not fear.

“Further refinement was needed.” YES! We've done the best we could under the circumstances. And we change when we can do better.

Further refinement is always needed. Always always always.

Our church is lead by fallible humans. Always true. Inspired direction comes through fallible humans, doing the best they can (usually).

What is the change he is alluding to?

  • Restoration is a process, not an event.
  • Ultimate objective is to bring the gospel.
  • The Lord reveals more insights.

What are better ways to take the blessings to all?

God wants you to have spiritual insights you've never had before.

Bring recommend, contrite heart, and seeking mind.

Safest place to be spiritually is living inside your temple covenants.

I wish President Nelson would make more references to Heavenly Mother. She is my divine counterpart.

You are free to choose who you will be and with whom you will be.

Sunday Afternoon Session

Gerritt W. Gong

Running away from home. When trust is challenged we wonder whether to trust again.

Restore trust in human relationships.

God it a god of truth and cannot lie.

Fit unchanging truth to changing circumstances.

When are faith and courage merited to trust again? This takes discernment. We can always trust God.

Agency has meaning because we are accountable for who we are and what we do.


Covid relief projects from humanitarian.

I don't want to pay for vaccines that are harmful. This is not a positive.

Sacrifice is the process of becoming holy.

Anthony D. Perkins

How to endure the suffering in life. Four principles of hope.

  1. Suffering does not mean God is displeased with your life
  2. Heavenly Father is intimately aware of your suffering
  3. Jesus Christ offers his healing power to endure suffering well, through atonement
  4. Choose to find joy each day

Refined souls—refined from suffering—can bring light to others.

Is Heavenly Mother intimately aware of our suffering? It is so odd to me that we emphasize earthly mothers role of nurturing while ignoring the fact that she must also be involved nurturing us.

Doubt not; fear not.

Michael A. Dunn

Quest to improve ourselves.

Aggregating small but steady marginal games. Bite-sized approach.

James Clear wrote a book called Atomic Habits. Great books. Micro habits.

Modest but makable changes.

Sean Douglas

Believe in Christ.

All things are possible to those who believe.

Carlos G. Revillo, Jr.


6 years old when his parents joined the church. Only one mission, no stakes.

Alvin F. Meredith III

If you only look at what is directly in front of you, you will never drive straight.

We rely on the grace of Christ.

Beware of distraction.

We can be rescued.

The Savior has joy when we repent. Look down the road.

Neil L. Andersen

Revisiting the rebranding of the church. OK. Victory for Satan is revealed.

Others will accept us as Christians. How much does this matter?

And, yes, this is and always will be Mormon Momma. (I'll reconsider if the church wants to divert funds to allow me the same rebranding budget…)

Russell M. Nelson

Pandemic has shown how quickly life can change…if we comply with tyranny. :/

We decide how we will treat each other.

Deceptive and seductive voices abound. Yes, they do!

Make time for the Lord.

More temples:

  • Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  • Tacloban, Phillipines
  • Monrovia, Liberia
  • Kananga, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Antananarivo, Madagascar
  • Culiacán, Mexico
  • Vitória, Brazil
  • La Paz, Bolivia
  • Santiago West, Chile
  • Fort Worth, Texas
  • Cody, Wyoming
  • Rexburg North, Idaho
  • Heber Valley, Utah
  • Provo reconstruction (will it no longer look like a Chinese restaurant?)